Strengthen your body
Deeply Relax Open your mind
81 Keira St.Wollongong 02 4226 3777


couples massage wollongong

A  Couples Massage with your partner is a wonderful way to reconnect with each other at the Wellness Centre Wollongong. Soft music, Aromatherapy oils and ambient lighting create the perfect romantic atmosphere where you both will totally relax your bodies and minds. Each of you will lie on your own massage bed, with your own therapist attending to you but with the knowledge that the other is close by, sharing in the same wonderful experience.

  • Take care of yourselves as individuals and together at the same time
  • It’s a great romantic idea and more unique than dinner and a rose
  • It’s an experience you can share as a couple
  • You can both end up in a relaxed, 'chilled out" space together that lasts for hours.

A good massage causes the release of the natural hormones known as the "love,cuddle & bliss hormones" .... definitely conducive to romance :)

Couples massage is also a great idea for friends or mothers & daughters etc. 

1hr Couples Massage $260.

or call now on 02 42263777 to enquire or to Book your Session.

Appointments subject to availability for 2 therapists. 

Gift Vouchers Wollongong Certificates Massage Day Spa Facial Body