Wellness Centre Naturopathic Consultations
Naturopathic Appointments Unavailable at the moment
Consultation process
Naturopathic consultations are scheduled and run according to allocated times. Initial consultations approximately 90min. Follow up appointments are 30 or 60 minutes and you will be charged based on the time spent in consultation.
Booking process
Once you have scheduled your appointment, you will be emailed details of a website to fill out a questionnaire prior to your appointment. A hard copy can be picked up or posted from the Wellness Centre and this needs to be dropped back or posted so it is received at least 1 day before scheduled appointment. This questionnaire will cover your general health and will provide valuable information for the Naturopath.
Initial appointments
The initial appointment is structured to understand your health complaints. Together you will discuss your health history, and preferred outcome. Initial consultations may include a comprehensive case history, naturopathic diagnostic techniques and more. Initial treatment recommendations are suggested and a treatment plan overview.
Second appointment
Second appointments are usually scheduled 1-3 weeks later where you will review the treatment plan in more detail. Appropriate and affordable supplements, herbal or homeopathic medicines may be prescribed any time from the initial consultation depending on patients outcomes and budget. This session may be 30 minutes to 1 hr depending on the clients needs.
Follow up appointments
Further appointments are dependant on your health issues at hand. Patients visits are usually more regular in the initial stages and then on a monthly basis until your health has stabilised.
Initial Treatment:
The primary focus is to reduce your symptoms and to stabilise your condition as soon as possible.
Maintenance & support treatment
The second part of treatment is where we focus on treating the underlying causes of your presenting conditions. Without understanding and addressing the underlying causes of health issues the symptoms are likely to eventually return or may return in another form.
Wellness Program
This stage of treatment is where we have successfully eliminated your complaint and are able to offer you improved levels of health and wellbeing. Patients tend to seek treatment on an as needed basis (typically 1-2x/year) to ensure long term health and wellbeing.
Lifecycle treatment
In addition, patients seek treatment during important life cycle stages such as pregnancy, birth and labour, breastfeeding, puberty or palliative care.
Treatment results
Treatment results will vary.. Some can notice quick resolution of their problems where other more deep seated problems may take several months or more. The longer you have been suffering from the complaint probably the longer you will require treatment. The healing and recovery process takes time especially where the outcome is to arrive at a truly improved state of health & wellness.
More information on Naturopathy HERE
Cancellation Policy
Our goal at the Wellness Centre is to provide quality health care in a timely and professional manner. Please be courteous and let us know by phone or email if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment at least 24 hours prior. We will then be able to allocate this time to someone else. Please note that if you miss an appointment or reschedule inside the 24 hours the full consultation fee will be charged (+ GST). The cancellation policy can be found here.